Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Fictional Story: Father & Daughter Duo Idea of changing and improving social media 9-24-19 (My Last Fictional Story)


Jeff Anderson 63, and his daughter Elizabeth Anderson-Phillips, 37 have come up with a plan how to improve the once attractive user social media Myspace. In writing, Jeff and Elizabeth thought that they would create the new Myspace for people to blog on. People would be able to follow each other on the social media website. There would be over 100,000 layouts to choose from and everyone would be able to create their own layout for their profile. People would be able to write unlimited words on the new Myspace. Everyone would be able to share videos, photos, and chat with each other using Myspace Instant Messenger. People would be able to share someone else’s Myspace blog and profile. Myspace at one point had the most users when the social media website first launched in 2003.

The new Myspace blogging site would be similar to YouTube in that people would be able to subscribe to their favorite blogs. The new Myspace would be similar to Blogger in that the bloggers would be able to write in color when they write blogs. Everyone would be able to tag their friends and family in photos at events, weddings, and outdoor activities. The new Myspace would improve the way that people communicate with each other on social media.

Jeff and Elizabeth are from the Hawkeye state of Des Moines, IA. The father-daughter duo feel like their proposals are realistic and would bring back users that enjoyed meeting new people and making friends. The social media once a powerhouse would bring back memories for those that used to be on Myspace all of the time. Jeff and Elizabeth felt that this will help “resurrect Myspace from the grave.” Myspace once again would be in the Top 10 of active users on social media websites.

Note: Thank you so very much, readers and fellow bloggers for reading my fictional stories on here. I was prepared to properly let y'all know when I was done sharing my fictional stories that I've written in the past. They say that "all good things must come to an end." I felt that after getting my new bid at my job to change from having Tuesdays and Wednesdays off to now Wednesdays and Thursdays off that there would be no need to continue to blog about fictional stories anymore. I'm a full-time employee and the times that I used to write fictional stories from 2012-2022 was to pass time when I was waiting to graduate from Capital Community college and when I was doing on the call jobs and waiting to become a full-time employee at my job. To not sound repetitive and redundant, I felt that it was time to end this chapter of fictional stories and stop at #42. I also didn't want to bore my readers with the same thing but writing it a different way which can become a habit if you run out of scenarios to create in fictional stories. I'm also planning to transfer out of state. I recently reapplied and hopeful that my transfer will go through. I'm optimistic that everything will work for my good.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Fictional Story: The Dalton family welcoming the new neighbors the Austin family 5/19/18

 Joey Austin 13 decided that he would do volunteer work delivering newspapers to the next-door neighbors. Originally from Cleveland, OH, Joey and his family just moved from Cleveland to Lafayette, LA. Joey thought that it would be a really nice gesture to do little errands like deliver newspapers, wash the neighbor's cars, go to the store for the neighbors and do grocery shopping, etc. Being the “new kid on the block” would also be a good way that Joey can make friends. Joey’s next-door neighbors happened to be the Dalton family. Richie, Lorraine, and their daughter Lillie Dalton 14 really have bonded with Joey and his family. The Dalton family are outgoing and outspoken people who are proud unapologetic Conservatives who are licensed and own a rifle & the Dalton’s are proud members of the NRA (Pro 2nd Amendment).

Meanwhile, Joey is trying to adapt to Southern life moving from Southern New England to the Southeast in Louisiana. Every time Joey rides his bike to deliver newspapers to the neighbors, the neighbors always bless Joey with money or a good southern style home-cooked meal. The Dalton’s lets Joey know where they stand whenever Joey delivers newspapers. The Dalton’s “don’t take no for an answer,” Joey understands that the Dalton’s will always give Joey money and a good home-cooked meal every time. Joey made a mistake one time of saying “no thank you” but got grilled by Lorraine Dalton and from that incident always said “yes thank you” when the Dalton’s bless Joey. The neighbors could see a kind-hearted person in Joey that they don’t mind Joey baby-sitting their toddlers, walking their dogs, or even cleaning their yard.  The Dalton family are proud country ‘folk and the Dalton family are very hospitable whenever they invite people over their house for special occasions.

Joey is going to the 8th grade and Joey’s parents Dan and Shirley is thinking about homeschooling Joey. The Dalton family have home-schooled their daughter Lillie since 5th grade. You can only begin to imagine what that experience is like in the Dalton family. Lillie has been on so many field trips both in state and out of state. Lillie keeps a scrapbook filled with pictures that Lillie have taken on those field trips. Joey has been in public school from kindergarten- 4th grade and has now been in private school from 5th- 7th grade. Joey has been on maybe a few field trips that he can honestly say that is worthy of talking about. Joey and his family have moved from the ghetto inner-city of Cleveland to Lafayette to have a better life. It’s interesting how people have different experiences from each other. It’s amazing how people use those experiences to share with each other and they are attuned with each other and listening to one another and becoming the best of friends.

East Cleveland is where Joey & his family moved from because it was a really rough neighborhood.

Lafayette, LA where Joey and his family moved to.

Pro 2nd Amendment

It’s all about being neighborly especially when you move into the neighborhood.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Fictional Story: Marge Powell's Letter 7-25-20


So many people have been restricted due to covid-19. Social distancing has forced me to leave my desk at work and do all of my typing at home. I’m hopeful that I can get back to the office as soon as possible (ASAP). It’s an honor to serve and help those who need my help. Whether typing memos, messages, paging the boss for those who want to set up interviews with my boss Carolyn Tate, it’s a blessing working at my job. I took the time out of my busy schedule to write a letter like this because I realize a lot of people out there both can and cannot relate to me. I’m hopeful that the 2nd stimulus check will come in the mail or deposited in the checking account to those who have been laid off from their jobs or whose jobs have been temporarily closed due to covid-19. I’m prayerful that the stimulus check will help people who are unemployed and homeless during their trying times in their lives. I’m always happy to help and severe the community. 


 XOXO ❤️❤️❤️

 Marge F. Powell

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fictional Story: The Bake-off 9/22/18


Barrington Baptist Church Barrington, RI

Every year bake-offs happen in all 50 states. Each state has their very own way that they do bake-offs. This particular bake-off took place in Barrington, RI. This is not like your normal bake-off where there is a trophy or money like there are in most bake-offs. This particular bake-off was at a church with that church being Barrington Baptist Church in Barrington. The members and visitors would vote on what their favorite dessert that they enjoyed the most. This would perhaps be the dessert the members and visitors at this church could see themselves getting the recipe for and making that particular dessert on special occasions.

The church had 2 lovely ladies, who made perhaps 2 of the most delicious desserts that anyone could ever eat! One woman who have been at Barrington Baptist Church for over 10 years named Edith Scott and the other woman who has been at Barrington Baptist Church for 3 or 4 years named Rita Hudson. These women have history of making delicious desserts because they bake desserts all of the time when there are church events.

Edith, a blonde hair and black eyes woman is famous for her lemon meringue pies, cupcakes, cakes, and tarts. Edith decided that she would make something that people never really tried. Lemon meringue pie bars would be a change. When people are good at something they are what is referred to as “playing to their strengths.” When he or she play to their strengths, that simply means they stick to what is a favorite and 9/10 times that is what works. Edith never knew it, but she would meet someone who was just as good of a baker and a little bit better than Edith and that being Rita.

Rita, a brunette and brownish-bluish eyes woman surprised church members when she made this delicious triple chocolate mocha brownies. For 3- or 4-years Rita would hear how Edith always made delicious lemon meringue pies, cupcakes, cakes, and tarts. Rita is quiet when it comes to the desserts she bakes. Rita let everything play out until one day Rita shocked the congregation when Rita made this delicious triple chocolate mocha brownies at a church event. Rita and Edith were encouraged to enter in a church bake-off and respectfully bake the lemon meringue pie bars and triple chocolate mocha brownies. People were thinking that this was a competition with perhaps the 2 best bakers at BBC. However, this wasn’t that type of competition. The church members would judge based on which dessert was their favorite out of Edith and Rita’s. Every child and ever adult were asked which dessert that they liked the best. The church consists of 50 or more members, the votes came in. Rita’s triple chocolate mocha brownies narrowly won by just 1 vote. The church didn’t have a trophy or money for the winner because it was not that type of contest. $500 was donated to BBC by members and visitors of BBC.

Triple Chocolate Mocha Brownies 😋

Lemon Meringue Pie Bars 😋

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Fictional Story: Noah's Bad Dreams 3/13/17


Noah Adams 48 suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Noah grew up in a very abusive home. Noah’s mom and dad fought all the time. Noah’s parents were alcoholics which made it a very unstable environment. Noah suffered both verbal abuse & physical abuse from his parents because Noah’s parents were both verbally and physically abusive to each other. Noah started running away from home at the age of 9. Noah is from Springfield, IL a family from Dallas, TX by the name of George and Anna Collins had 4 children of their own, adopted 2 children, and they were looking forward to adopting another child. 

Noah wanted help and wanted to be with a family who loved him, and the family happened to be in Springfield at the time. George and Anna filled out the paperwork to legally adopt Noah because of the unfit and unstable environment that Noah was in with his parents in Springfield, so when Noah was 11 the family from Dallas legally adopted Noah because Noah’s parents were unfit and unstable. From that trauma Noah have been having bad dreams. Noah stayed with a wonderful foster family and Noah at 13 had a very bad dream that his biological parents tried to kidnap Noah from the foster family that Noah was living with. George & Anna was very happy to welcome Noah into their blended family and Noah became their 7th child in the Collins family lovely home. Noah has his days when everything is normal but then there are other days when Noah has bad nightmares. Noah is trying to overcome the bad abuse with what Noah encountered as a child being raised by his biological parents. Speaking of Noah’s parents, Noah have not seen his biological parents in over 30 years. When Noah was 18, he saw his biological mom and dad passing saying “Hi,” in Dallas a normal thing that people say when they see each other.

Noah has always been an introvert (not into big crowds) pretty much all of his life, but Noah’s adoptive parents always reached out to Noah by sending Noah letters letting him know how proud they are of Noah and Noah’s foster mom always send Noah homemade chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies in Minneapolis, MN where Noah resides with his wife Joanie, their 2 girls, and their 2 boxer dogs. Noah has spoken at different meetings encouraging those who are dealing with PTSD to not be afraid to talk to someone. Joanie is Noah’s biggest cheerleader an extrovert (into all crowds) who encourages Noah not be afraid. Noah sometimes Skype online with his foster parents in Dallas and thank them for all that they have done for Noah and taking Noah in and raising Noah like their own children.

Springfield, IL (The first 9 years of Noah’s life)

Dallas, TX (The past 11 years of Noah’s life)

(Noah, Joanie, their 2 girls, and their 2 dogs' home) Minneapolis, MN Noah & Joanie’s 23 years of marriage together.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Fictional Story: Life of The Henry Family 9/23/17

 You are going to hear about a documentary about a family who enjoys fall and how they celebrate their favorite season. Charles Henry who is a film buff enjoys filming his family and their interests. Henry will describe how family that are really close do things together and even how family who are not close can learn how to come together even when things are rough. Henry’s parents inspire him to be a filmmaker because he has a passion recording fun and goofy things that the family do when they are together for special occasions. This fictional story will probably be the only ever documentary that you will read about from a filmmaker.

My name is Charles Henry and I thought it would be a good idea to write about a documentary about the Henry’s and how they celebrate fall. The family fall tradition is when the Henry family are together, we always celebrate by eating out. I’m the middle child in my family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Justin is the eldest brother and Kathleen is the youngest (baby sister). Kathleen loves going to the mall. Kathleen is a chocolate lover who loves her dresses and her shoes. Justin, the oldest, enjoys going to concerts and always stays after to meet and greet with famous pop stars and Justin always get their autographs. I’m into film making and I love filming with a passion. My parents always encourage me to record things because they know how much I love to record what the Henry family does. We really enjoy family time in the Henry household. We are a tight knit family who enjoys hanging out and acting goofy. Probably our favorite Henry family tradition is my Aunt Susan’s pumpkin spice caramel cupcakes with marshmallow frosting! (Yummy) Aunt Susan always bakes wonderful cakes, pies, cupcakes, and cookies. I have family who is from Nebraska (I reside in Omaha with my family), Kansas, and Missouri and we visit each other during the holidays. Me and my family do have arguments but my Uncle Willie (we call him the mediator and peacemaker) always get the family to calm down when we play the following games: UNO, Dominoes, Monopoly, and Scrabble.

The family is always there for each other and got each other’s back. What I like most about the Henry family is that we enjoy helping others. We see a lot of homeless people on the street and the Henry family open their home and invite them over for lunch or dinner. What we always do is help the homeless get job interviews. We give the homeless some clothes because their clothes are raggedy and dirty, and they are so grateful for anything that they get and what people do for them. The homeless people not only get jobs, but they help out the fellow homeless like themselves by helping them get job interviews. That’s how we help our community, and everyone just get into being generous!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Fictional Story: Discipling class prankster Archibald (Archie) Ball 2-24-20


Central Academy of Excellence Kansas City, MO.

It all happened on February 24, 2020, when Archibald (Archie) Ball 17 now 18 had a meeting with the Principal about Archie’s prankster behavior. Archie went to Principal Arlene Blake’s office. Archie and Principal Blake talked for an hour and Archie learned that Archie’s behavior would no longer be tolerated at Central Academy of Excellence.

Archibald (Archie) Ball 17, who lives in Kansas City, MO stayed back in the 10th grade twice at Central Academy of Excellence. Archie’s parents and grandparents have given up on Archie. Archie is always getting into trouble in school because Archie is an “attention seeker.” Archie goofs off in class with his “pranks with no limits.” Archie behavior as a practical joker affects the other students from learning.

Archie always seems to get in the most trouble when he is in Ms. Wendy Turner’s 50, English class. Ms. Turner must have given Archie over 100 detentions for the times Archie have disrupted Ms. Turner’s class. Archie never seems to get it. Ms. Turner got tired of Archie’s behavior to the point where Ms. Turner started sending Archie to Principal Arlene Blake’s 55, office where Mrs. Blake would give Archie office detentions for coming to Mrs. Blake’s office. Office detentions hardly ever worked because coach Bob Jenkins 48, from Poplar Bluff was always the teacher. Mr. Jenkins would always play chess or card games whenever the students were done with all of their homework. Coach Jenkins is the basketball coach at Central Academy of Excellence.

Meanwhile, principal Mrs. Blake texted coach Jenkins to have Archie come to her office. Daryl Blake 52 (Principal Arlene Blake’s husband) come by the office and surprised his wifey with a card and roses because it’s their 29th wedding anniversary. Principal Mrs. Blake’s expression on her face explained it all. ðŸ˜³ ðŸ’‹ Mrs. Blake had a chance to have a one-on-one talk with Archie.

Mrs. Blake: Now Archie I’m really concerned about you. You’re constantly getting into trouble. You get sent to my office on a regular basis and we need to talk. Ur parents and grandparents may have given up on you because of your behavior but I’m not going to give up on u. I’ve got 2 sons, and they are both college graduates. One of my son’s used to act like a class clown and tried to act like a screw up. Any time my son got in trouble me, and my husband showed him “tough love.” As ur principal I’m not going to continue to allow you to disrupt Ms. Turner’s class. I’m proposing that you Archie will do in-school suspension for the rest of the school year. Ms. Turner and all your other teachers will inform me how you are doing and if they tell me that ur a disruption u will be escorted to my office, and it will be in-school suspension.

Archie: But Mrs. Blake how come I have to do in-school suspension? Can’t we work something else out where I be in class with my friends?

Mrs. Blake: Ur too late. Everyone has given you so many chances but ur teachers is sick and tired of having to tell you to stop and they send u to my office.

Archie: R U talking about the time that I put glue in Mrs. Johnson’s chair and when Mrs. Johnson sat in her chair she got stuck.

Mrs. Blake: It’s the glue, the whoopee cushion with whipped cream in the chair, the fake snakes out of the can gag, and the ex-lax brownies. The pranks and jokes that you pull on teachers is the reason why they don’t want to be bothered with you.

Archie: Please Mrs. Blake, I will do anything to try and make it up to the teachers, I don’t want to be isolated from my friends.

Mrs. Blake: It’s no use Archie you will come to my office, and you’ll be doing your work. I will make sure that while you’re in in-school suspension that there will be tutors here “around the clock” to help you pass all of ur classes. And because I care about you, you will graduate high school, even if it takes u going 2 summer school every year.

Archie didn’t realize that all of his shenanigans would lead to Archie going to in-school suspension. Archie, who is normally a very convincing person when it comes to people changing their minds about disciplining, Archie couldn’t talk his way out of in-school suspension to Mrs. Blake.

Fictional Story: Father & Daughter Duo Idea of changing and improving social media 9-24-19 (My Last Fictional Story)

  Jeff Anderson 63, and his daughter Elizabeth Anderson-Phillips, 37 have come up with a plan how to improve the once attractive user social...